To select an instrument, SKW needs to be disconnected from a current instrument. Once SKW is not connected to any instrument, the drop down list within the instrument panel gives you the list of all instruments available in your workspace.

You can select any of them and once selected the optical specifications and the local seeing FWHM of the selected instrument are displayed in the user interface.

You only can check and edit optical specifications when SKW is not connected to the instrument.

A model is made and only valid for a given telescope and related  instrument setting, you must not change the aperture, focal length, and central obstruction because these properties are directly related to the model and if you change any of them the model will become incompatible. You can freely change local seeing, pixel size, lambda because those properties are not used to generate the model.

Click on the to connect SkyWave to the instrument and model, if any.

 Once connected the connect button toggle to disconnect to allow to disconnect SKW later and to let you the possibility to use another instrument.

When SKW is connected with a valid model, the optical specification input fields are disabled and input frame information are filled with data that must be used to defocus your telescope in order to capture an image analyzable by SKW.

Expected size is the size of the frame surrounding the defocused star in pixels.

Defocused star diameter is the diameter of the defocused star in pixels.

Selected direction is the default defocus direction, intra or extrafocal, selected by the user, by default it is set to the expected direction for a given model.

Selected defocus is the defocus in microns selected by the user for analysis, by default it is set to the expected defocus travel for a given model.

All those properties are automatically calculated from the optical specifications and the model of the selected instrument.

A positive value means extrafocal motion, a negative one intrafocal motion.

Local seeing FWHM is the local seeing in arc second ("). You can freely adjust any time to show how aberrations affect the quality of the image for the given seeing conditions. We recommend for analyzing a image of a defocused star to set this value to the estimated seeing at the time the image was taken. A tolerance of +/-0.5" is good enough.