SkyWave: Telescope Collimation and Wavefront Sensing using AI

Collimation is a crucial process in aligning the various elements of a telescope, especially the optical surfaces, according to their intended positions in a given optical layout. Without accurate alignment, the performance of the telescope can significantly deteriorate. Collimation involves adjusting the 3D position of the elements, including tilt, tip, offset, and spacing, which are all part of the alignment process. Each optical element has five degrees of freedom.

Since collimation directly affects the optical performance of the telescope, any misalignment can result in aberrations. These aberrations can be used as indicators to determine the alignment state of the telescope, providing feedback during the collimation process. In short, collimation is a numerical approach to alignment.

The initial level of collimation involves measuring the mechanical alignment of the optical surfaces. This is usually done using a combination of optical tools like eyepieces, collimation telescopes, and laser beams. Some telescopes, such as the Ritchey–Chrétien (RCT), provide reference marks like dark spots and donuts to aid in the process. However, this first step of collimation is typically a coarse adjustment and should be followed by a more precise optical alignment, which involves analyzing the telescope’s aberrations. It’s important to note that to achieve optimal telescope performance (Strehl’s ratio at or above 80%), aberrations should be limited to a fraction of a wavelength. For visible light with an average wavelength of 550nm, this means aiming for wavefront errors in the range of 75nm root mean square (rms).

Wavefront analysis offers an accurate and quantitative method to measure the aberrations in a telescope, indicating its departure from perfect collimation by comparing the errors in phase between an ideal optical system and the actual telescope. This analysis provides information about aberrations, their types, amounts, as well as the scope’s Strehl’s ratio (SR) and Optical Transfer Function (OTF), including the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF). These quantitative indicators reflect the telescope’s performance and the quality of the images it produces. Typically, wavefront analysis requires a specialized device called a wavefront sensor, with the Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor being the most common type.

Innovations Foresight has developed a cutting-edge technology, currently pending a patent, that utilizes a defocused image of a star (natural or artificial) to retrieve the telescope’s wavefront using artificial intelligence (AI). This allows us to determine the telescope’s aberrations without the need for a dedicated wavefront sensor. Our technology works with just a single frame, even under challenging atmospheric conditions. While the most common approach involves using an on-axis star, it is not limited to that; a star field can be used to obtain field-dependent aberrations all at once. This capability is particularly useful for perfect collimation of specific telescope types, such as the RCT. Although primarily used for telescope collimation, our technology can be easily adapted and customized for various other applications. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any specific requirements or applications you may have.


Wavefront analysis

Wavefront analysis offers a precise and quantitative assessment of the entire optical system and its associated aberrations.

In the context of an imaging system, such as a telescope, the optical elements are designed to produce a sharp image of an object at the focal plane, where a camera (CCD, CMOS sensors) or scientific equipment is located. When the object being imaged is a point, we refer to its resulting image as the Point Spread Function (PSF).

Simple geometric optics, or ray tracing, provides us with a basic understanding of how an object is imaged based on the optical layout. However, it overlooks the diffraction effect caused by the finite size of the imaging system, specifically the telescope’s aperture (its diameter). This effect arises due to the wave nature of light. Unlike geometric optics, where a point source is ideally imaged as a single point, the actual image is a spot, which is the PSF. The extent of this blur depends on the telescope’s aperture and focal length. Fourier optics is used to account for the diffraction effect of light (considering it as a scalar).

For the sake of simplicity, let’s consider imaging a star from space (without atmospheric distortion) with our telescope. Since stars are extremely far away compared to the telescope’s focal length, we can treat them as mathematically perfect point sources. The light emitted by the star, an electromagnetic wave, can be visualized as a spherical wave (in 3D) originating from the star’s location. This wave propagates at the speed of light in the vacuum of space, similar to the circular waves (in 2D) created on the water’s surface by a small object’s impact (like a stone).

When the star’s light reaches our telescope, we only capture a minuscule portion of the spherical wave. At our scale, it appears as a perfect plane wave (since the star is so distant). The telescope then transforms this plane wave into a new converging spherical wave at the focal plane, where geometric optics predicts the location of the star’s image—a point. However, due to the limited diameter (D) of the telescope, the resulting image is a blurred point, known as the PSF. Wavefront analysis examines the deviations from the ideal spherical wave that any imaging system, such as a telescope, should produce. Aberrations occur as errors or deviations from this expected spherical wave due to limitations, imperfections, tolerances, and misalignment of the optics. In essence, the actual wave converging at the focal plane is no longer a perfect sphere.

In the figure above, we can observe two similar imaging systems (let’s call them telescopes) on the left side. The top one represents a perfect system, known as diffraction limited (DL), where the resulting spherical wave converges precisely at the focal plane, where the Point Spread Function (PSF) is located. The rays, which are perpendicular to the wavefront by definition, intersect the focal plane at a single point (as predicted by ray tracing in geometric optics). These rays are parallel to the radii of the spherical wave, pointing toward the center of the sphere (the image point).

The yellow disk, displayed as a “heat” map, represents the color-coded wavefront error (or phase error), indicating deviations from a perfect spherical wave. In the case of the DL system, there is no error, resulting in a uniform yellow disk. The color bar on the right provides a qualitative indication of the wavefront errors. Reddish colors indicate peaks in the wavefront error surface, suggesting that the actual wavefront leads the expected (perfect) wavefront. On the other hand, blueish colors represent valleys (troughs) in the wavefront error, indicating that the actual wavefront lags behind the perfect one. Typically, wavefront errors are expressed in nanometers (nm) or as a fraction of a wavelength for a specific reference wavelength.

Since electromagnetic radiation, such as light, follows a periodic sinusoidal pattern, a deviation of one wavelength corresponds to a phase shift of 360 degrees (or 2π radians). This is why we refer to it as a phase error. When there is no phase error, the PSF is perfect, and the system is diffraction limited. In the system shown below the DL one, we observe distortions in the wavefront, resulting in various color shades in the wavefront heat map. Notably, we can clearly see a peak and a trough in its 3D representation next to it. This characteristic pattern corresponds to an aberration called coma, which gives the PSF a comet-like shape.

On the right side of the figure, examples of basic aberrations are shown along with their names, wavefront errors (heat maps), and the corresponding PSFs.


AI based wave front sensing (AIWFS)

In 1993, Roddier & Roddier [1] introduced a technique called curvature sensing (CS) in the field of adaptive optics (AO). This method utilizes two images of a single defocused star to extract wavefront information from their intensity (or irradiance) profiles.

To mitigate the effects of atmospheric turbulence (known as seeing scintillation) in AO, CS involves capturing two nearly simultaneous images of the same star from two different locations near the focal plane of the optical system. This cancellation of seeing scintillation helps improve the accuracy of wavefront measurements. Implementing CS requires an optical beam splitter and associated optical components, along with two dedicated cameras or sensors.

It has been demonstrated that a single defocused image of a star is sufficient for retrieving wavefront phase information [2]. This means that with just one defocused image, it is possible to analyze the irradiance (intensity) distribution and derive the wavefront error (WF) for further analysis.

In the figure below, we can see the concept illustrated within the context of a refractor. It demonstrates the process of obtaining the wavefront error by examining the irradiance profile of a defocused star.

Under specific conditions, a mathematical relationship exists between the irradiance (intensity profile) of an image and the corresponding wavefront (WF) error. This relationship is described by a non-linear differential equation known as the irradiance transfer equation, also referred to as the transport of intensity equation (TIE).

The TIE provides a link between the irradiance (I) and the wavefront (W). It represents how changes in the wavefront affect the intensity distribution in an image. However, it is important to note that the TIE cannot be solved analytically. Instead, numerical methods are employed to solve this equation and obtain the desired information.

By applying numerical techniques, scientists and researchers can approximate the wavefront error from the observed intensity distribution in an image, allowing for the analysis and characterization of optical systems. These numerical methods provide valuable insights into the wavefront properties and help improve our understanding of the system’s aberrations and performance.

It is worth noting that the TIE serves as a fundamental tool in various applications, such as wavefront reconstruction, aberration correction, and adaptive optics, enabling us to extract valuable information about the wavefront from intensity measurements.

To estimate the wavefront (WF) phase error in real-time, the Transport of Intensity Equation (TIE) is solved using numerical optimization algorithms. This process involves solving the TIE for each new image captured, allowing for the estimation of the WF phase error on-the-fly.

In order to minimize computing time and power consumption, certain approximations are often employed, typically based on linearity assumptions. These approximations are valid under specific defocus conditions and for a limited amount of aberrations. This approach, known as the direct model approach, enables efficient estimation of the WF phase error.

At Innovations Foresight, leveraging our extensive knowledge and expertise in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), we have developed a novel approach [3]. Our approach focuses on learning the inverse model, which captures the relationship between the intensity of defocused star images and the corresponding wavefront. This relationship is often expressed parametrically using Zernike polynomials, although other representations of the wavefront and related aberrations can also be learned.

By using a defocused star image, a bias known as phase diversity (PD) is introduced to the wavefront. This allows for the retrieval of the phase error without ambiguity, as long as the measured aberration magnitudes are smaller than the diversity term. The figure below illustrates this concept:

By utilizing this phase diversity technique, we can overcome the ambiguity in the wavefront phase error estimation and accurately characterize aberrations, even under challenging conditions. This approach significantly enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of wavefront analysis and provides valuable insights for optimizing optical systems.

As mentioned earlier, due to the absence of an analytic solution for the Transport of Intensity Equation (TIE), we employ a numerical approach. However, there is a fundamental distinction between the direct model discussed previously and the inverse model. The inverse model is precomputed beforehand, requiring only straightforward and rapid calculations during runtime. This enables us to achieve high processing speeds, even at video rates, which is particularly valuable for applications such as adaptive optics (AO).

In the case of telescope collimation, where we are primarily interested in characterizing the telescope’s aberrations rather than those induced by atmospheric seeing, longer exposures ranging from 30 to 60 seconds are used. These longer exposures allow us to average out the effects of seeing. Unlike AO, there are no real-time constraints for solving the TIE in this context.

The advantage of not having real-time constraints is that we can dedicate extensive time to learning the inverse model. This can span days, weeks, or even longer if necessary. Consequently, we are not compelled to make any approximations, assumptions, or limit the technique to specific subsets of aberrations or defocus ranges. This makes the method highly versatile, flexible, and applicable to a wide range of scenarios. Moreover, it allows us to consider multi and extended sources, expanding the applicability of the technique.

The process involves training a feed-forward artificial neural network (NN) exclusively on synthetic (simulated) data specific to a particular class of optical systems, such as telescopes in the context of astronomy. The training database consists of simulated defocused star images, including the effects of atmospheric seeing, with known levels and types of aberrations. During the learning process, the NN is trained to output the corresponding wavefronts from these images. Typically, the wavefronts are expressed in the form of Zernike polynomial coefficients, which are commonly used to represent aberrations, or in other relevant formats. The figure below illustrates the overall process:


SkyWave (SKW)

The Innovations Foresight technology provides a powerful quantitative optical way to analysis and collimate a scope by the numbers using one or more defocused star in the field and our patent pending AI based Wave Front Sensing (AIWFS) technology.
Below a screenshot of our SkyWave (SKW) Professional version software showing the 3D wavefront error of a telescope on the sky under seeing limited conditions.
SKW requires a mathematical model for each telescope, permanent models are for sale, please see our online store for further information.

SKW exists also in a Collimator version featuring a simple GUI and an user friendly collimator tool for telescope quantitative optical alignment.

This scope is a 17″ Corrected Dall-Kirkham before proper collimation. It exhibits 0.2 wave rms (200 mw) of total WF error leading to a Strehl ratio (SR) of 20% dominated by misaligned mirror (collimation errors) induced third order coma and astigmatism aberrations. Below a summary of the analysis:

The first left defocused star image (B&W FIT file) is the raw image from the telescope taken through a red filter, the second most left image is the simulated images reconstructed using the Zernike coefficients and related polynomials outputted by the NN after adding the estimated seeing and the spider diffraction patterns. This is a monochromatic simulation, while the raw one is polychromatic will less contrast. Both images are structurally identical which tell us how good the NN analysis and retrieved WF as well as aberration are. Indeed our technology has been tested against a high-precision interferometer (PhaseCam 4D Technology model 6000) and shown a rms accuracy in the order o 10mw rms (~5nm), or better [4]. The two last images are, from left to right, the scope PSF without any seeing (in space condition) and the WF error heat plot.

While using SKW the computing time itself (stars location, extraction, pre-processing and WF analysis) is in the order of few seconds on an average laptop.
The time to load the frame from the imaging camera is of course up to the user’s imaging software used.
SKW, on request, can watch a given directory (folder) for new FIT images auto-load (this includes a filter for the file name, if any). When a new frame is available it will auto load and analysis it if it was set to do so by the user.
Alternatively the user can load a frame manually too. SKW does not connect to any hardware and therefore does not need to deal with any driver, it works only with .FIT files.
Therefore SKW works with any imaging/acquisition software as long as it can output monochromatic (B&W) FIT files (8 bits, 16 bits, or float format). When using a one shot color (OSC with Bayer’s filter) camera one would convert one of the color channel, usually red to minimize seeing, in a monochromatic image. In most cases a luminance (L) frame can be used too but we recommend using a color filter to narrow the raw image bandwidth increasing its contrast when doable.

One should understand that running the trained neural network (NN) is very fast, the longest time in the process after a frame has been acquired and uploaded is to locate and preprocess the defocused star(s) in the frame as discussed above. The NN is a feed-forward one the computing time in an average laptop (Windows 7 one CPU) is less than 100ms.
On the other hand building the training databases for a class of telescope/optics (learning, validation and test data) as well as the actual training of the NN is a different story. Those tasks are done beforehand by Innovations Foresight. It may takes days to weeks to do so, depending of the size of the databases and the computing resources allocated. The NN is usually trained with at least several 100,000 to millions of samples.
However this is totally transparent for the user. When somebody buy from us a mathematical model for their scope to be run with SKW this one come in the form of an encrypted file which is decoded using your SKW local machine license key. The resulting process extracts the model data used by SKW for the related scope. The size of the model data file is in the order of few hundred MB only, and NN run time inside SKW is negligible.

It is worth noting that the SKW can analysis, depending of the software version, multi star (actual or artificial) at once, within the same frame. This approach provides field dependent (on and off axis) aberrations, like field curvature, aberrations maps (2D and 3D), and field height related wave front aberration functions (Wxxx).
This is a very powerful capability of our AIWFS technology, a single frame replaces several wave front sensors, or the need to scan the field when using a single one.

Below an example of a field curvature analysis, including the Petzval’s surface, while testing on the bench in double pass an achromatic lens using 7 artificial stars, figure extracted from the SPIE proceedings [2].

At the top of the above figure there is the raw image of the 7 defocused artificial stars (pinholes) arranged in a vertical line. The bottom 2D plot is the field curvature for this achromat along this line. In red the monochromatic @520nm achromat model curve plotted using OSLO optical design program fed with the Zemax data for this achromat, in black the AIWFS solution (7 points, pin holes numbered from -3 to +3 from bottom to top, #0 is on axis) using a green filter centered at 520nm.
The X (horizontal) axis is the field angle in degree (0 being on axis) while the Y axis is the curvature in microns. Both curves are quite close the difference can be traced back from production tolerances of such achromat and the use of a polychromatic source (green filter) for the AIWFS data acquisition. We could also make AIWFS mathematical models for polychromatic sources but this is requires more simulation time while for most practical applications the resulting difference does not justify it.


[1] Roddier Claude and Roddier Francois, “Wave-front reconstruction from defocused images and the testing of ground-based optical telescopes”, Journal of Optical Society of America, vol. 10, no. 11, 2277-2287 (1993).
[2] Hickson Paul & Burley Greg, “Single-image wavefront curvature sensing”, SPIE Adaptive Optics Astronomy, vol. 2201, 549-553 (1994).
[3] Gaston Baudat, “Low cost wavefront sensing using artificial intelligence (AI) with-synthetic data”, SPIE Photonics Europe, 2020, Strasbourg, France, Proceedings Volume 11354, Optical Sensing and Detection VI; 113541G (2020)
[4] Gaston Baudat and Dr. John B. Hayes, “A star test wavefront sensor using neural network analysis”, SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, 2020, San-Diego CA, USA, Proceedings Volume 11490, Interferometry XX; 114900U (2020)