Fast, Continuous Focus for any ASCOM Focuser
Developed in partnership with Optec inc the new FocusLock software integrates our patent pending SharpLock Technology to provide an easy-to-use focusing application that functions whenever guiding is active. The ONAG cold-mirror introduces a slight astigmatism to the guide image allowing FocusLock to easily determine on which side of focus the camera is currently positioned. Using the proprietary SharpLock technology to quickly drive the focuser to the optimal focus position and maintain focus.
FocusLock is designed to maintain focus whenever the guide camera is operating. Filter focus offset support for any ASCOM filter wheel is included. Support for Maxim D/L, TheSky X, PHD2, or any ASCOM compatible guide camera is supported in this release.
Future versions will support other applications in native mode watch for updates
There is a 60 days free trial period.
Click here to download FocusLock now!